Tuesday, October 1, 2013

No Animals Were Hurt in the Making Of This Marathon

I was running the other day thinking about all that has gone into my marathon training, and what has not gone into it. It was a very encouraging and gratifying review. I have run over 350 miles since going 100% vegan 3 1/2 months ago. In that time, not a single animal was killed or used to fuel my running. I've come a long way since thinking plant food was meant to accompany meat, and could never be enough to sustain health on its own, let alone something like marathon training. Where would I get my protein!? :) I thought of the small barn that would have had to be set aside just for me to run and live for 3 months had I been eating meat & dairy. "Kyle is tying his shoes to go run again, please hand me another chicken" (if chicken harvesting were really that quaint and personal).

It was really cool to realize that all I needed to run and be healthy was my body, lots of water, and all sorts of plants that come from the earth--just me and the earth were enough to travel 1/10th of the width of America with zero injuries. It was really, really cool to realize that I didn't just scrape by, but that I got fitter and stronger, didn't get sick or injured, slept better, breathed better, pooped better, had more stable moods, on and on and on. I can't help but start to get pretty passionate about this "experiment." The physical results are so convincing to me, not to mention the ethics, and potential that plants have to help us with our unsustainable eating habits. Here is what has gone, and not gone, into my vegan marathon training:

Calories from Plants (approximate, 3000/day for 100 days) = 300,000
      75% Fruit, 25% Grains/Beans/Potatoes/Veggies
Calories from meat, fish, eggs, dairy = 0
Protein powders and other supplements = 0
Injuries = 0
Advil  or other painkillers = 0
Soda = 2 cans of Diet Coke
Caffeine = 90mg (2 cans of Diet Coke)
Coffee = 2-4 cups of decaf per week
Water (approximate) = 100 gallons


  1. Great job Kyle! We are all very proud of you!

    1. Sabs, I can't wait for Grandma's 2017! That's gonna be a hoot:)

    2. Kyle you inspire me. You increase my consciousness about my life, habits, ethics, and integration. Thanks for sharing your journey. Privelaged to be a part of it. Homey.

  2. I love the new you! Healthy and happy and such an inspiration! Cannot wait to cheer you on Sunday! XOXO, Chels

  3. TBSIL-the BEST son in law!
    I am SO PROUD of YOU!!! What accomplishments you have made in the last 3 1/2 months! I cannot wait to be there Sunday cheering you on:)!!!
