Tuesday, July 15, 2014

500 Miles Down, 500 To Go: Training & Fundraising Update

What in the world has ol' Jiles been up to the past few months?  Did he get mauled by a puma on a trail run?  No, I've been b, to the busy!  My days, which turn to weeks, which to months, have been consumed with work, then running, then parenting, brief husbanding, sleep, repeat.

For those of you that don't know, I am training yet again for the Twin Cities Marathon on October 5th.  Last year was a good baseline year for me where I proved to myself that I could go from casual, low mile runner, to semi-serious, mid-range mile runner, to marathoner without serious injury.  I took a couple months mostly off and then got a much earlier jump on training this year, beginning in earnest in January.  Here we are mid-July and I just crossed the 525 mile mark for the year and doing quite well with another 500 to go before October.  (I ran about 500 miles all of last year, including the marathon itself!)

Why am I so motivated and enjoying myself so much?  Three reasons:

1)  I am much stronger and seasoned than I was last year, so I (usually) feel like I'm running my workouts; instead of my workouts running me.

2)  I am having a blast with one of my best old buddies and 2014 training partner, Double-J.  We meet up for runs, chew the fat about running, and egg each other on via Strava.

3)  MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am running this year to raise support for the folks in Thailand that are very close to our heart, Friends for All Children, which includes the foster home in Chiang Mai, that....I can't begin to tell you my feelings about.  Marathon training can be a lonely endeavor at times, but it has really touched me to know I'm not alone out on the path, and that so much love comes along with me.

Fundraising is going well, we are almost half way to the goal of $2620 (get it, 26.2?).  Much has come directly via mail, and some has come via the secure online option GO FUND ME.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to ALL who have given!  It means so much to our family.  Please go to the Go Fund Me page to read more of the story if you're interested.

Peace on the Path,