Friday, October 4, 2013

I am Under the Overcast Weather!!

I just got home from the Health & Fitness Expo where I picked up my race bib, timing chip, and lots of free junk!  I attended the press conference where the elite runners shared their hopes, and some "citizen runners" shared their amazing stories.  One guy fell 37 feet and broke his back in March, and is set to run on Sunday.  A woman told how she just got off the couch two New Year's Days ago, started running, lost 80 lbs, and is now running her first marathon.  Very inspiring folks.

The first lady I ran into on the street was wearing a No Meat Athlete t-shirt like mine.  I couldn't believe my eyes, so I stopped and we talked vegan running for 15 minutes!  A funny, cool lady.

So how am I doing with 1 day to go until the big run I have prepared so hard for all Spring and Summer?  Well, I am under the weather, and the forecast calls for possible "lingering showers" at the starting line!  Ug.  Can you believe that as soon as our taper-week started, 6, SIX members of my church team got sick!  Double-Ug!  I have something that I've had many times, a reoccurring bronchitis.  Only this time, thankfully, so far, it is just a minor cough.  I have nothing really to "produce" with said cough, since my animal-induced systemic-inflammation is gone:)  But, still, I'd rather be 100%.  I have no concerns with my body and legs, but I am mildly concerned that the combination of cold wet weather, fall allergies, and asthma will keep me from running my potential.  By the way, I have never made public my goal time for the marathon, but all the data says it is possible, on a good day.  I will be very happy if that still becomes a reality, given my pulmonary situation.

On a spiritual note:  After many miles I ran my last 4 yesterday at Lake Phalen.  I was not "training," just enjoying how far I've come this summer.  I found what I hope to be my primary marathon pace and just cruised, smooth, controlled breathing, cranking out the miles.  I came to a stop, reluctantly, with no hard breathing (a good sign given my virus), took a body inventory with no pain or anything but satisfaction for an amazing summer, enabled by God's gift of health, supportive loved ones, and the privilege and freedom to do it!  I was almost laughing as I walked, praying, thanking God for all the riches!  So I'm not 100% and it might rain on Sunday--I am still so very blessed!

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